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Réf : S18796

Thème : Russes - Soviétiques  (44 images)

Titre : Model of Almaz Space Station

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

This is a model of the military Almaz space station on display. This model is of the original variant of the space station, with the large Gemini-shaped reentry capsule attached on the forward end (to the right). This capsule was later deleted from the station. The folded-up solar panels are on the left, surrounding the single docking port of the station. Almaz was the Soviet Ministry of Defense's Earth-orbital complex where cosmonauts would conduct scientific activities and experiments as well as perform photographic and visual reconnaissance. The launch of Almaz 1, also known as Salyut 2, ended in failure when pressure in the main hull dropped, which made the Almaz 1 unusable for cosmonaut habitation.